Tag Archive for: Dementia

Is Alzheimer's genetic? Many people get Alzheimer's disease in the absence of any family history. So, it isn't surprising to get Alzheimer's disease with no history of it in your family.

What Causes Alzheimer’s Disease: Know the Risk Factors

We don't know with certainty what causes Alzheimer’s disease. This is why scientists are still very interested in studying Alzheimer's dementia. Even though we may not know what causes Alzheimer's disease yet, there are some things we…
How do brain cells die in Alzheimer's? Click to find out.

How do Brain Cells Die in Alzheimer’s? What are Amyloids?

Discover what happens inside of the brain in Alzheimer's disease. How do brain cells die? What are beta-amyloid plaques and tau tangles exactly? Every day we are closer to understanding how brain cells die in Alzheimer's…
How is Alzheimer's diagnosed? Is there a way to self-assess memory? Alzheimer's Myth vs fact by Dr. Matt Huentelman, Ph.D.

How is Alzheimer’s Diagnosed: Tests for Alzheimer’s Dementia

If there is no single test that can recognize Alzheimer’s, how is Alzheimer’s diagnosed? Is there a way to self-assess memory? Can the peanut butter test help diagnose it? Why is Alzheimer’s disease so difficult to diagnose? How is…
What is the best diet for brain health? Let's talk brain nutrition by Dr. Tomás Nuño, Ph.D.MindCrowd
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Brain Nutrition: What is the Best Diet for Brain Health?

What diet can delay your brain’s cognitive decline? And why is it so important to have proper brain nutrition? Dr. Nuño, Ph.D. shares his knowledge and some pearls of wisdom you won’t find anywhere else. There is lots of research…
Memory and the Aging Brain: Why does our memory worsen with age?

Memory and the Aging brain: Defying Dementia

What is memory? Where is it stored? How does it work? Will we experience memory loss as older adults? Dr. Carol Barnes. Ph.D. unveils the mystery and proves to us that dementia is not inevitable. One of the greatest scientific puzzles is…
Six steps we can all take to improve brain health and help prevent Alzheimer's dementia.

How to Improve Brain Health and (Hopefully) Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Six steps we can all take to improve brain health that may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Have you ever wondered why some of your friends seem to have better memory than you do? Have you noticed that you seem to…